Here are 5 reasons why the POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor is making waves as an essential tool for superior breathing training.1. Trusted by Experts, Proven by SciencePOWERbreathe’s reputation remains unmatched. Hundreds of studies reveal the use of our superior breathing training devices in research. You can therefore be reassured that you are training with a product trusted by experts in respiratory medicine.The Smart Adaptor is the result of years of research and development by POWERbreathe. It was created in response to feedback from users of the mechanical POWERbreathe Plus (IMT) and POWERbreathe EX1 (EMT) breathing trainers. The request was for the ability to track and visualise breathing improvements in real-time, following breathing training. This is now possible, thanks to the Smart Adaptor. When paired with the ActiBreathe® App via Bluetooth® wireless technology, the Smart Adaptor takes mechanical breathing training into the digital age.Where to Download the POWERbreathe ActiBreathe® App 2. Superior Breathing Training TechnologyThe effectiveness of your breathing training largely depends on the quality of the breathing trainer you use. POWERbreathe is well-regarded for its high-quality respiratory devices. The breathing guidance and feedback you receive is just as important as the device that delivers the training. In this case, the POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor and companion ActiBreathe® App provide the training guidance, feedback and insights. From a brand renowned for its efficacy in respiratory training, combining a POWERbreathe Plus (IMT) or EX1 (EMT) device with the Smart Adaptor will ensure you achieve the best possible training and performance improvements from a mechanical breathing trainer. This is why the Smart Adaptor is your go-to tool for superior breathing training.Smart Adaptor Shop now Breathing trainers use the principles of resistance training to progressively overload the breathing muscles to improve their strength and stamina. There are three main ways of generating this resistance for respiratory muscle strength training:1. Pressure Threshold Loading – the most widely studied and effective methodPressure Threshold Loading is the most commonly used, researched and validated method. It provides a consistent resistance load that the user has to overcome with each breath during training. The mechanical POWERbreathe Plus (IMT) and POWERbreathe EX1 (EMT) use Pressure Threshold Loading. A precisely calibrated spring-loaded valve delivers the loading to guarantee accurate and repeatable training loads. We developed the POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor for use with these mechanical POWERbreathe devices.POWERbreathe Devices Compatible with the Smart Adaptor £59.99 POWERbreathe Plus IMT – Medium Resistance Rated 4.85 out of 5 based on 13 customer ratings Select options £59.99 POWERbreathe Plus IMT – Light Resistance Rated 4.20 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings Select options £59.99 POWERbreathe Medic Plus IMT Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings Add to basket £59.99 POWERbreathe Plus IMT – Heavy Resistance Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings Select options £59.99 POWERbreathe EX1 EMT – MR (Medium Resistance) Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings Add to basket £59.99 POWERbreathe EX1 EMT – Medic Add to basket £59.99 POWERbreathe EX1 EMT – HR (Heavy Resistance) Add to basket £59.99 POWERbreathe EX1 EMT – LR (Light Resistance) Add to basket 2. Passive Flow Resistive Loading – a simpler and less precise methodIn contrast to the precise training that Pressure Threshold Loading delivers, mechanical passive flow resistance breathing trainers are less accurate. This is because they depend on how much effort the user puts into their training, meaning the resistance can vary. This simpler method of loading is delivered via different-sized orifices. This makes the training load unreliable and unrepeatable, due to the passive nature of the training.3. Dynamically Adjusted Tapered Flow Resistance Loading – the most advanced methodPOWERbreathe developed dynamically adjusted, tapered flow resistance loading for the electronic K-Series of Inspiratory Muscle Training devices, in 2010. We developed this method to allow adjustments within and between inspiratory breaths, making training more comfortable and tailored. As a result, this more versatile training method helps users maximise their efforts for breathing improvements all round.The Smart Adaptor is not compatible with the POWERbreathe K-Series. This is because K-Series devices already offer guidance, feedback, analysis and additional training options.3. Independent IMT & EMT for Better ResultsWith the mechanical POWERbreathe devices, you can train your inspiratory (IMT) and expiratory (EMT) muscles separately. The POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor and ActiBreathe® App offer guided inspiratory and expiratory muscle training independently. This allows you to focus on each type of training at different times. By training each breathing phase independently, you will achieve optimal performance gains. This is in contrast to other breathing training devices that combine both types of training in the same breath cycle, which can be overly challenging and less effective. This is because the resistance load placed on your in-breath and out-breath is too difficult when performed concurrently. This makes training uncomfortable and too much of a challenge, making it difficult to achieve maximal effort.With POWERbreathe breathing training devices, you can train your inspiratory and expiratory muscles separately.Attach the Smart Adaptor to your compatible, mechanical POWERbreathe device and pair it with the ActiBreathe® App (via Bluetooth®). You will then receive guidance and insights to help you get the most from your superior breathing training.4. Unlocks Powerful FeedbackWith the Smart Adaptor attached to your POWERbreathe device and paired to the ActiBreathe® App via Bluetooth®, you will unlock powerful data and feedback that is similar to the electronic K-Series. You’ll receive personalised breathing strength testing, guided training, and detailed progress tracking ensuring superior breathing training feedback. 5. Maximises Your Existing DeviceThe electronic POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor turns your existing mechanical POWERbreathe Plus (IMT) and EX1 (EMT) breathing device into a smart trainer, connecting to the companion ActiBreathe® App via Bluetooth® for personalised breathing strength testing, guided training, and detailed progress tracking, taking your mechanical device to the next level with superior breathing training results.The POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor offers Superior Breathing TrainingThe POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor is a game-changer for POWERbreathe mechanical device users who want to upgrade to superior breathing training. Combining the trusted reputation of POWERbreathe’s mechanical trainers with cutting-edge digital technology, it offers guidance, feedback, and insights that help to maximise your breathing performance. Whether you’re already using a POWERbreathe Plus (IMT) or EX1 (EMT) or looking to start your respiratory training, the Smart Adaptor ensures you get the most effective training and reliable results. Ready to experience smarter breathing training? Discover more about the POWERbreathe Smart Adaptor here.
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