Don’t Fall For A Fake

We are aware of fake or counterfeit POWERbreathe devices and lookalikes that are being promoted on the internet. We are also aware of products that purport to be from the trusted POWERbreathe brand, by using ‘POWERbreathe’ as part of the device name.

We don’t sell POWERbreathe products on websites with words like ‘discount’, ‘cheap’, ‘sale’ etc. in the domain name. Avoid using these same words in searches online as they will generally link through to counterfeit websites.

Buyer beware – If an offer looks too good to be true it generally is.

Risks When Buying Counterfeit Products

  • Receiving inferior and unauthorised products.
  • Never receiving products that you’ve already paid for.
  • Not receiving a complete package, such as missing user manual etc.
  • Receiving products that don’t match what you ordered, including user manual in another language to that which you expected.
  • Problems with the seller, such as long delays or difficulty contacting them.
  • Very poor or no after sales service.
  • Fraudulent use of your credit card.
  • Identity theft.

Make Some Simple Checks Before Buying

Genuine POWERbreathe devices are the device of choice that scientists select for use in their research. Peer-reviewed papers, meta-analysis, scientific trials and review articles show the efficacy of POWERbreathe and IMT for health, medical, fitness and sports. The fake or lookalike POWERbreathe products use this to their advantage for promotion. They are exploiting the established pedigree that we have been building over the past 20+ years.

  • Look for clear signs that you are buying from a reputable company.
  • Does the website look secure?
  • Do they have clear Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Returns policies?
  • Search online to see if other customers have left comments about the company.
  • Give the company a call if you’re still unsure.
  • Trust your common sense and if you’re still in any doubt, don’t buy.

If You Think You Have Purchased A Counterfeit POWERbreathe Product

  • Contact the seller of the fake, lookalike, counterfeit product immediately for a full refund.
  • If you paid by credit card, you may be able to obtain a refund from your bank.
  • Contact your local trading standards office with full details of your transaction: .

Why Are There Fake Products?

The intention of fake or lookalike products is to mimic or call to mind a popular and well-known product. They also aim to avoid the typical registered trademark or product patent etc that exclusively recognises a company’s ownership of their brand.

Genuine POWERbreathe products are only available from our official POWERbreathe website, select official retail partners and our overseas partners and distributors that we officially appoint.

Please Help To Stamp Out POWERbreathe Fakes

To be sure you only receive a genuine POWERbreathe product, please visit our website; a selected partner such as Alton Sports; or an officially appointed distributor in your country. If you are unsure who your POWERbreathe representative is in your country, please get in touch and we’ll put you in contact.

POWERbreathe in the USA

In the USA, genuine POWERbreathe devices will not contain POWERbreathe Cleansing Tablets, as these tablets are not approved for sale and/or distribution within the USA by the regulatory authorities. Any device claiming to be a POWERbreathe device that contains Cleansing Tablets in the USA is selling these illegally and you will be buying at your own risk. The only genuine POWERbreathe products that can legally be sold in the USA can be purchased from:

Our Official POWERbreathe Accounts

Instagram: @powerbreatheuk

Facebook: @POWERbreatheUK

X: @PowerbreatheUK

LinkedIn: @powerbreathe-international-ltd

Pinterest: @powerbreathe

YouTube: @POWERbreatheUK


What To Do If You Spot A Fake POWERbreathe Product

At POWERbreathe International your experience is of the upmost importance to us. Therefore, in order to ensure customers only receive a genuine POWERbreathe product, if you suspect a fake please contact us. Please provide as much detail as possible, so that we may ensure the appropriate action is taken and fake products are removed. Unfortunately, we cannot compensate for purchases of fake, lookalike or counterfeit POWERbreathe products.

If you have any questions, we’d be happy to help. Please contact our customers services team on +44 (0) 1926 816100 or  [email protected]